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Clan Arg started with games such as Age of Empires, Dota, Counter Strike, etc. We were born in 07/20/2000 wich is friend's day in Argentina. Our goal is to create a group of friends and good people above all no matter your skills. We are still alive because our group and we will be forever.

Long live Arg

Unite a jugar War✅️Ladder en Equipo🏆TOP🔝Argentina 6 AÑOS de amigos❤️ y diversión🎉🇦🇷✅️Pass Oro🥂🫂Gwssap✅️Dejá☎️👈🙋🏻‍♂️💖
87,364 Trophies | 8,500 Requirement
4,907 Clan War Trophies
3,302 Donations
46 / 50 Members
Creator Code Support us with creator code RoyaleAPI
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