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Clans & Clan Families

2 clans

Competitive excellence through community-driven values. Nova is a mobile-focused eSports organization committed to empowering individuals through a supportive team environment. We look for talent that has the character to back it up. That talent is cultivated and supported through team-based growth strategies and passionate staff that care about player outcomes. Community is the foundation of those outcomes and is the core of player dedication.

7 clans

Were Are Incubus Family Clans of Clash Royale

Sub clans: Succubus, Succubus 2.0, Cambions, Cambions 2.0, Cambions 3.0, Forneus

4 clans

🌴Fool‘s Paradise Familie🌴
Aktiv 🌴 Loyal 🌴 Respektvoll 🌴 E-Sport 🌴
since 21.07.2020
Werde auch du ein Teil unserer Familie!

3 clans

POUZE AKTIVNÍ A POHODOVÍ HRÁČI !! Jsem aktivní,pohodová Klanová rodina, která ráda uvítá nové hráče a každému ráda poradí. Pravidla jsou jednoduchá a to plnit limity ve War a v donatech.

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