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Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. We are a newly established family that not only value talent, but also the mentality and morals to back it up.

🔥Apollo Legion Official Clan🔥Apollo Empire Family🔥Competitive🔥Clan Wars🔥International🔥Active🔥Friendly🔥Chill🔥
70,586 Trophies | 6,500 Requirement
1,638 Clan War Trophies
588 Donations
47 / 50 Members
Invite Only
🔥Welcome To Apollo Legion 2🔥 🔥Looking For New Co-Leaders🔥 🔥For New Players🔥
30,868 Trophies | 0 Requirement
1,082 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
50 / 50 Members
Creator Code Support us with creator code RoyaleAPI
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